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Erik and I have had a tough couple of weeks: leaks in our roof and basement, deck not to code, AC explosion, 2 of 3 cars not working. The good news is that Erik and his friend Paul took the deck down this past weekend. Siding was done on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week AND our house will be cool as a cucumber as of this evening. Thank goodness. We have been using a little window unit in our bedroom and blasting it to cool our house.

In Charlie news things are going well. He walks on his leash (though we think it is more a chasing of our feet), is getting better about letting us know when he needs to go to the bathroom, and is generally sleeping more through the night. He even crawls into his crate when he gets sleepy. It's pretty adorable. Here are some recent pictures of our little one.


Jen said...

They are so cute when they sleep

Cynthia said...

Wow! Look at all that progress! ...and that pretty fabulous pup! Miss you!