31 weeks and counting!

Well, in as little as 6 weeks we could have a new family member on our hands. I can't quite believe that I am 31 weeks already. It seems like just yesterday that Erik and I found out that we were going to be parents. That was a shock in and of itself, but now to realize that this growing punching thing inside of my stomach is coming OUT!? That is just insane. I'm not sure anyone is ever ready for their first child, but I have confidence that we are going to be great parents. Erik seems pretty excited and we have some great activities on our "to do" list for when he/she gets a bit older.

On Wednesday Erik and I are going to interview a doctor at a family practice who will be the primary pediatrician for our little Sax. What's nice is that if we like her then both Erik and I can also have her be our primary physician. We have been looking for a doctor with specific criteria including a more holistic background and the desire to prevent medical problems rather than just writing a prescription for them. If you are in the process of looking for a newborn pediatrician, here are some good questions that you may want to ask:

1- What is your schedule for newborn visits?
2- What vaccinations do you routinely do?
3- If we have objections to some of these or to the timeline, would this be an issue?
4- When do you think is the best time to wean?
5- How do you know if my baby is getting enough milk from breastfeeding?
6- What do you recommend if the baby is gaining slowly?
7- Who fills in for you while you are away from the office?

And obviously questions about insurance and their background as well. I think that the answers to these first 6 questions will be very telling about the type of practice you are getting involved in.

We'll let you know how our first interview goes. We have a list of quite a few other doctors, but this one seems like the best fit so far.

I wish we had some more interesting pictures to show you, but here are some of the nursery and the baby bbq that we had. Sorry to Jenny, these will be repeats for you!

Me and Lee at the BBQ
Charlie wet from playing at Fountain Head
The venue

Quilt made by Lee
Nursery in progress (and me!)


beachy in the burbs said...

Congratulations! I'm 31 weeks as of today and also can't believe that we're now less than 10 weeks away from this baby girl's arrival. Thanks for your comment on our plans for the nursery. I cannot wait to pull it all together. I just wish all the furniture would arrive!

Sarah Goldstein said...

you have 9 weeks on me...it's so exciting!!!!Let me know how the interviews go as I will need to start doing the same as well. There's just so much to look into!