Columbus Day '09

Sometimes you just have to make a color photo black and white, no mater what some overly pedantic photog says. In the above picture I got to test out my new dioptre lens filters, this on was +4 on my 50mm - wide open at f/1.8 with 800 speed film. So 4+50+1.8+800 = 'awwww'.

Life with newborn Karl is wonderful. He's sleeping right now. He does that a lot. I have nothing to complain about.

Here's one with color intact, for those of you who haven't seen him yet.


Cynthia said...

Awesome! It's so fabulous to have your skills to document the first days (and many more days!) of Karl! Thanks for the photos and update! We're thinking of you guys!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the black and white photo...great shot!