We gave in and decided that 6 months was a fine time to start solids. I went to whole foods and picked up some organic sweet potatoes and after cooking them mashed them up. 5 sweet potatoes made enough for 16 jars of baby food! Our doctor recommended starting with whole foods rather than rice cereal or oatmeal.
Karl wasn't too pleased with this new food.
Poor sweetheart.
Aww! I love sweet potatoes! I'm sure he will eventually. He's such a sweetheart.
Awww, we've had some bad first gos of solids too! I'm interested in the reason your doc suggested whole foods first. I've never heard that before. We started with rice cereal and are moving on to oatmeal next, but I'm really excited to make up some sweet potatoes (step 3) and this got me even more excited!
She's read some research that says that carb loading a baby after having only breast milk leads to incidences of being overweight and prone for diabetes later in life. She also thinks that first food experiences shape how they take to new foods later in life.
She had us read "Best Foods for baby and mom" or something like that.
Who knows, though. Every doctor says something different!
Interesting! Thanks for the info. I'm always curious about different perspectives on starting solids since our rough start/still on-going issues with our Luke. I'll have to check into that book!
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