Happy Birthday Charlie & Claire

April seems to be a birthday month in our household!  Charlie on the 5th and me on the 17th.  Today I have taken the day off and plan to take our little dog to the dog park, have lunch out with Erik, and maybe see a movie in the afternoon.  Sounds like a pretty good day, doesn't it? 

The pregnancy is going well.  I feel like I really look pregnant all of a sudden, but there are many that haven't even noticed a change.  No strange cravings yet, except I have a penchant for fruity things like starburst, strawberries, gummi bears, and smoothies.  Erik has been a really great husband and assures me that things are fine when I get nervous about the baby.  We are really looking forward to our newest family member arriving in September.  

Here are some pictures of our life :) 

Birthday people

Charlie hanging out with Erik
Charlie hanging out ON Erik
On our balcony making sure things are safe

1 comment:

Jen said...

happy birthday to you and Charlie. You need to post a belly picture.