Family Update

December and January have been busy months for the Sax family!  

In early December my sweet sister came back from California to visit and to celebrate Christmas.  Karl hadn't seen Lee in over 6 months, but still knew who she was.  Having pictures of Aunt Lele helps a lot.  We say goodnight to Lee's picture as part of Karl's bed time routine.

Karl wearing the awesome hat that Lee knitted for him this Christmas.  Being at Grandma & Grandpa's house was pretty great because some of the nutcrackers were at Karl height; he staged many battles. 

Braving the cold and playing at the park near Grandma & Grandpa's house. Thank goodness for this hat!

 The 16th of December brought a big milestone for Erik- his 30th birthday!  I surprised him with dinner at his favorite Thai restaurant with 10 of our close friends.  It was great and we got to try a huge variety of dishes.
 Happy birthday, Papa!
 A few days after Erik's birthday the Sax family moved houses and dog/house sat for some good friends.  We were there for about two weeks and Karl got pretty used to his new digs.  Here he is eating a banana and watching MASH with Erik. 
 Lucky for us our house wasn't deserted while we dog sat.  Our wonderful cousins, Marc & Cynthia, were in the area doing a window/roofing job.  They happened to be here over Christmas and joined us for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day!  It was so nice to have everyone with us and Sheila had plenty of delicious food for us all.

The best gift of the season turned out to be musical bells that I bought for Karl.  

Cynthia & Mom try to play 'Jingle Bells' with some success. 
 Merry Christmas!

After the holidays Karl and I got back to our usual routine of heading to the library to check out new arrivals.  Karl loves to sit with his puppy and read books while I peruse the stacks. 
 Karl has started calling relatives and having conversations with them.  He especially likes to make calls while Erik or I are on the phone talking.  We hear "Gand ma. Hi. What choo doing? Yeah. Ok. Bye" 
 Erik has been on baby duty a lot lately as I have been off at births or doula meetings.  After a recent meeting I arrived home at 8:30pm to my boys both asleep on the couch.  

 Here is Karl with his favorite Pooh Bear having a snack of apple & milk. 
 Mimicking Mom by reading a book on the couch after dinner. 
 The Sax family met some friends at the Air & Space museum in Virginia recently.  Karl found all the planes and the space shuttle fascinating.  
 Karl with Ross Perot's helicopter that made it around the world in 3 months. Karl thinks he can do it faster. 
 After the museum & dinner we went over to ride a carousel.  Karl held on for dear life and then started crying.  He didn't really love it.  I'm not sure his goal to fly around the world in a helicopter is a reality if we can't handle a stationary fake horse.  

Most of our weekends are spent at home playing & making music.  Erik is learning the trumpet, violin and playing the piano again.  Karl loves sitting with us while we play. 

We'll fill you in with what February brings!

1 comment:

Masha said...

LOVE the photo of the Sax men passed out the couch in the same pose. Priceless. Miss you all and can't wait to catch up in a few months!