We got a new puppy!

Well, we drove up to Lancaster PA to pick up our little boy.  Emma came with us to make sure that we got the right guy.  We did!  He is adorable and amazing...with only one problem: SLEEPING AT NIGHT! Erik and I think it was mostly because he slept the whole way back from PA.  

We decided on the name Charlie, after a favorite historical figure of mine (Erik).  He is named after Charles Babbage.  In the 1820's and 30's he designed the first computers, the difference engine, and the analytical engine. His designs were not built in his lifetime, but were just as capable of doing the same math as your computer today is (albeit on a different scale). If we'd gotten a girl dog, it would have been Ada, for Ada (Byron) Lovelace, who wrote the first computer program to be run by Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine. That's right folks. The first computer programmer was a chick. And she was artsy-fartsy, the daughter of famed poet Lord Byron

With a pedegree like this, he's bound to learn to sit well enough.   


Lori said...

Can't wait to meet him! Charlie is Keenan's middle name (well, Charles), so our "kids" have something in common already :)

Cynthia said...

Yay puppy!!! He's fabulous and has a great name! We'll send some kitten photos soon :)