
This one looks a lot like her big brother, doesn't she? Lucy Jolivette Sax isn't yet 12 hours old; I'm already trying to figure out how I'll afford the pony. When do little girls start asking for that? Hopefully it'll take her a while to figure out that daddy is a complete push-over for anything his beautiful little girl wants.

A big thank you to all of our labor assistance, your help was so important to us - being a doula's doula is a tough job indeed.

So far (from what I can tell) her favorite things are mommy, Charlie-dog, and sleeping.

Claire is recovering very well, keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

For the uninitiated, the ++ is a programmer's operator that says "increment by one".


Colleen said...

Congratulations! Lucy is beautiful!

Cynthia said...

Yay! Welcome to the newest Sax. I bet you're safe on the pony front for a while. You can always indoctrinate her and say that ponies started WWII or something so she won't want one :)

Masha said...

Congratulations, guys! She is a cutie (and also for the record I knew it was going to be a girl :) Hope all went well, can't wait to hear about it!